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热电阻 安徽天康集团股份有限公司 厂价直销

2021/1/6 22:09:11发布121次查看
安徽天康集团创建于1974年,总部位于长江之滨的天长市,南接古城南京,东与扬州相邻,地处充满活力的 “长三角”经济圈,有着良好的投资与发展环境。 集团所属的仪表、光电缆、医药、医疗器械、特种钢管、钛酸锂电池等产品被广泛应用于石油、化工、冶 金、电力、通讯、卫生等行业。集团现占地近5000亩,拥有员工6000余名,已成为国家级守合同重信用企业、国 家高新技术企业、中国质量诚信企业、中国电线电缆10强企业、安徽省50户重点骨干企业、安徽省依法纳税先 进企业、银行资信aaa级企业。 安徽天康股份有限公司作为安徽天康集团的全资企业和拟上市公司,负责仪表、光电缆产品的生产 与销售。公司的“天仪”商标荣获中国驰名商标“,洲鸽”商标荣获安徽省著名商标,并在行业内率先通过了 iso9001、iso14001、ohsas18001三标一体认证及国军标认证。 公司作为全国最大的仪表生产基地,生产的温度、压力、物位、流量等产品得到广大用户的一致好评。其 中拥有自主知识产权的核级仪表产品,经过国家权威机构的认证后,在核电行业得到广泛应用与推广。公司还 专注于自动化仪表成套和系统集成领域,拥有一批具有丰厚经验的专业工程技术人员和销售人员,成功地为 石油、化工、冶金、电力、通讯等行业的用户,提供了自动化工程的咨询、设计、配套、集成、安装、调试等自动 化解决方案及系统工程服务,具有良好的声誉。 公司作为安徽省光电缆生产基地,生产的光电缆产品长期以来在国内市场一直保持较高的市场占有率。 其中ie级k3类电缆进入核电市场后,为我国的核电事业做出了应有的贡献。具有国际先进水平的航空电缆产 品目前也进入了开发试制阶段,有望近期进入我国航空领域,并替代进口。船用电缆、机车电缆、光伏电缆、 风能电缆、矿物绝缘电缆、伴热电缆等一批特种电缆产品快速抢占高端产品市场。光缆、通讯电缆产品全面通 过ul、ce、tlc等认证,并在全国同行业中率先获得国家信息产业部、广电总局和总参的入网许可及使用,为 众多国家大型项目提供了大量优质产品。 近四十年的风雨兼程,站在新起点的天康,将始终秉持“有跨越才有卓越”的天康精神,加速实现在国内 a股主版成功上市,着力打造“百亿天康、科技天康、幸福天康”,不断开创天康历史新纪元。
established in 1974, anhui tiankang (group)shares co., ltd. lies in tianchang city on bank of yangtz river, near nanjing in the south, and yangzhou in the east, within the most active yangtze river delta economic cooperation area in china, there is a good environment for economic development. our instrument, optic-electric cable, medical products, medicine, special steel pipe, titanium acid lithium battery and so on are widely used in petrochemical industry, metallurgy, power station, communication industry, hygiene, etc. we take up 500 acre land with over 6000 employees. the company has been awarded many titles, such as “trustable enterprise in china”, “national hi-tech enterprise”, “china good quality & faith enterprise” “china top 10 cable enterprise”, “50 key enterprise of anhui province ”“good tax payer in anhui”, “class-aaa credit enterprise”. pre-ipo of anhui tiankang shares co., ltd is exclusively-invested by anhui tiankang (group) shares co., ltd, which takes charge of instrument, cable production and sales. our “tian yi” won national famous trademark, “zhou ge” won anhui famous trademark, besides we firstly got certificate of iso9001,iso14001, ohsas18001and national certificate for military standard. as the biggest instrument production bases in china, our products are popular with clients, such as temperature instrument, pressure instrument, level meter and flow meters., our instrument for nuclear station with independent intellectual property rights are widely used and promoted in nuclear power industry after getting certificate from national authoritative organization. we have many experienced and professional engineers and salesmen to concentrate on automation instrument complete and system integration field. therefore, we succeed to supply automation engineering consulting, design, corollary equipment, integration, installation, testing etc. with good reputation for customers of petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, communication, etc our cable products have high domestic market share, especially k3 cable ie grade makes a due contribution to our nuclear power industry after it is introduced to the market. of aircraft electric cables with international advanced technology moves to trail-produce stage by hopes of entering our aviation field and import substitution. cable for ship, locomotive cable, pv cable etc. are fast taken high-end special cable market. meanwhile optical fiber cable and communication cable fully passed certification of ul,ce,tlc and takes leader in obtaining license from ministry of information industry, general bureau of radio, film and television and general staff headquarters in the whole country. we provide many national large projects with good products. standing in the new start line, tiankang always holds the spirits of “spanning makes outstanding” through near forty-year difficulties. we will speed up the realization of domestic a-share listed companies. besides we focus on creating “ten billion tiankang, science and technology tiankang, happy tiankang” for purpose of going forward to a new era of tiankang.


中国 天长


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